There are about 8,000 languages that are spoken In the world at the moment but only very few are used for business, among this minority you can obviously find English and also Spanish.
During the 20th. Century, English has undoubtable been the preferred language to do business in all the world. But this tendency is clearly in danger as in the 21st. century Spanish has started a battle to establish itself as a leading language to close commercial agreements all over the world.
Business people and academics agree that Spanish as a language is one of the major assets in the Spanish economy. We must take into account that we are dealing with a language spoken by approximately 500 million people in the world, which means a Gross Domestic Product of around 9% of the world GDP.
Without doubt, the relation we maintain with South America is one of the main reasons why Spanish, used as a business language, has risen so quickly. The commercial relations and business contacts with countries such as Argentina, Peru, Chile……. has been decisive in the relaunching and promotion of Spanish as a language used by business people in the world.
But not only South America. In the U.S.A., for example, we find a strong market of some 44 million Spanish-speakers. It is without doubt a very sought-after market for Spanish businesses who want to start internationalizing their products and services, and that, through the use of the Spanish language, is now a lot easier for them.
Schola, through their Spanish2Enjoy line, have been teaching the Spanish language and the Spanish culture for many years to students from all over the world in a suitable and effective way.
Spanish2Enjoy – You will learn Spanish.